Meet the Horses
Say hello to the team that makes us who we are! Let’s start off with the name sake of the company, the one who started it all. Mavericks, meet, Maverick!
Maverick: Grey Percheron/Arabian Cross with some Flea Bites
The One Who Started it All
Maverick is the gentlemanly fellow who started it all. He’s a great old school master who is a stickler for the rules of horseback riding. At 25 years of age, he’s been there and done that enough times to expect his riders to have the courtesy to sit up with poise, think about what they are asking the horse to do, and execute their request without yanking, popping the reins or .losing focus and looking all over the place. And if they don’t? Simple. He will turn to the world, which is his personal buffet, and snack. Maverick is a great mount to learn bareback riding on, and although he no longer jumps, he still participates in walk, trot, canter rides.
Maverick didn’t really understand this cuddling business when MacCoy first acquired him. But, over the years the two have developed a strong bond, and it’s Maverick who will mosey up to her and bow his head in greeting. When you think of that quintessential knight in shining armor horse, the horse that Prince Charming would ride, this is the one. He’s great with beginners of all skill levels, photo shoots, unicorn parties, and just about any other “crazy” horse gig you can come up with.
At 16’1 hands, Maverick is a big boy. Although he isn’t very spotted, he is a flea-bitten grey. As a half Percheron, half Arabian, Maverick is luck to have inherited the body shape and head of the Arabian with the size of the Percheron. His weight limit ranges from 160-200lbs.
Maverick is not for sale.
Rowdy: Snow Blanket Bottom Bay Appaloosa

Rowdy is for sale. Visit our Horses for Sale in Texas page for more details.
Lady Black Hawk: Black, Stocky Morgan
Cross, Star and Snippet
aka “The Boss Lady”: SOLD Black will remain with us till July 2019
Lady Black Hawk is the boss lady, and she likes everyone to know it. As the Alpha mare, she’s always got her eye on who’s where on the trail. She likes to take the lead and is only suitable for confident beginners. However, she makes an excellent lead-line horse, and is the only other horse except for Maverick who carries public riders ages 3-8 with a guide riding double. Black is an outstanding guide horse, and we guides enjoy riding her bareback, into town after dark, and riding solo into unknown terrain. She’s a level-headed horse that needs a firm hand.
Black (aka Lady Hawk) is a Morgan, Quarter Horse cross, and has a strong, stout build. She browns out in the summer, making her name a bit of a comedic tragedy. She is about 15’2 hands and has a white star and snippet as markings. Her weight limit ranges from 200-240 lbs
Black is available for lease at a competitive rate to experienced riders.
Cocala Loca: Black and White Paint (Fades)

SOLD: Coca will stay with us till February 2020 so come get your ride in on her!
All Around Play Day and Hunter Horse
Coca is a black and white paint mare who stands about 14’1 hands. She’s got a very stout build, putting her carrying capacity at a range of 200-240 lbs. She’s got a lot of personality and will change a lot from ride to ride depending on the rider. Generally at the caboose of the trail, Coca is a plucky horse if her rider keeps her in movement. She’s trained on vocal commands to slow down, walk on, trot and canter so the guide is able to exercise good control even from the head of the line. While Coca is not a good choice for nervous females riding solo, she’s one of the best lead-line horses and makes for one of the most common go-tos for ponying young or nervous riders.
Coca has formal Hunter Jumper training under her belt, and would make an outstanding hunter pony or play day horse. She’s currently clearing 2ft oxers and clearly enjoys the task of teaching students low-level jumps. Coca picks up her leads, executes a flying lead change, is straight, honest to the jump, and happy to learn new courses. For sale only to a young student who seeks a Hunter Show and Trail horse. Able to be registered with the American Paint Horse Association. Best friend: Annie.
Cocala is available for lease to novice though intermediate riders (beginner/novice children with experienced parents). Available in off-property lease for Hunter Jumper program.
Annie Up!: Sorrel and White Paint with Two Blue Eyes
Flashy Paint Mare, Blue Eyed Girl
Annie is long and lean. Standing about 16 hands, Annie is a striking sorrel and white paint horse with blue eyes. Her eyes are lined with black eye liner, making her ginger mane really pop. She’s an affectionate horse with a sleepy demeanor on the ground, making her a favorite for photo shoots with standing shots. On the trail, she’s often in the lead, and has some noticeable pep in her step.
This stunning paint mare is a finished trail horse only, who responds to subtle cues of the advanced rider and is tolerant of over cuing of the beginner. She is a great hunter prospect, with long reach and a good gait. Available for sale to approved home only.
Stunning Paint Mare for Sale: NOT available till September 2019
Annie is available for lease at a competitive rate to experienced hunter riders.
Rocky: Chestnut Quarter Horse with Symmetrical Blaze
He thinks we should rename the company “Rocky Horseback Riding” but we think that doesn’t sound too comfortable.
Rocky chose us. Way back when, Rocky was a mangy horse with a skinny neck and goofy mane. He was kind of gross looking. He was a boarder horse at a facility we used to operate out of, and he made it clear that he wanted in on trails. He would follow along through the pastures faithfully. When we finally met his owner, we joked that his horse was obviously looking for a job. Well, turned out that his owner was all on board for that so we began using him. After getting his teeth floated, wormer, regular grooming and some extra TLC, Rocky has turned out to be such a sold mount that he’s earned his place in the “Not for Sale” category. He’s been with us for four years, and as a horse who is happy to take the lead, even with a beginner rider, he is invaluable. Although he can be a bit bossy on the trail (requiring his rider to pay attention that he doesn’t try to check out too much of what’s going on around him), he’s a great mount for beginners.
Rocky is a 15 hand AQHA gelding of about 10 years. He has a very symmetrical blaze that forms a tight point at the bottom. He has one rear white stocking and one rear white sock. He can be easily confused with Chester, but his blaze is more symmetrical, his build significantly more stocky, his mane more mottled in color and he is shorter. Front shoes only. Most likely to be found serenading Black with the song “Head Over Boots.” Yep. It’s love. The real deal.
For lease at competitive rate to experienced riders. Rocky likes to get up and go. Good barrel prospect.
Ellie: Sorrel Quarter Horse with Star and Snippet
Ellie is 20 years young and you wouldn’t believe it looking at her. She has tons of get-up-and-go. While it may seem that she has a wary eye, that’s just cosmetic. Ellie is a confident trail horse who takes great care of her riders. Just remember to keep your heels down and sit up straight or she will happily take your leaning and digging heels as an invitation to pick up the pace.
This horse has no sass with the others. She is easy going and doesn’t pick battles with the other trail horses.
Ellie is a sorrel with white star and snippet, about 14’3 hands high. She is shod in the front. She had a previous case of founder before we purchased her two years ago, but that hasn’t stopped her from coming along. In fact, even when she is supposed to have the day off, she will tag along with the group while on property. She is ready to rock and roll! Great kids mount for a confident novice because of her willingness to get moving. Has been used as a Hunter lesson horse at two different Hunter Jumper barns. Her weight limit ranges from 100 to 145lbs.
For Sale: $2300
Penelope: Black Tennessee Walking Horse
Penelope is our only Tennessee Walking Horse. We acquired Penelope from the local veterinarian in Luling. She was purchased as a kid horse, and is a lovely lady who is quiet on the ground. Slip a halter on her nose and swing up on her for a bareback ride. She’ll stand politely as you do. She has really learned to slow her pace for the rest of the horses. As a gaited mare, that was a tough thing for her to do. But She has proven that even older gals can learn plenty of new tricks. Penelope is happy to take the lead for us as well. She’s a really kind horse that we feel very blessed to have.
Penelope is NOT an easy keeper. She gets more grain than any other horse on the property. The reality is, though, that some horses are lean. Just like people, there are horses that are bigger and horses that aren’t. Penelope favors the lean side. Her weight limit ranges from 100-160 lbs. She’s about 15 hands high and has three bright white stockings. Penelope is lean, black and has a very calm eye.
For Sale: $2800
Ghost: Flea-bitten Grey Appendix
Sweet and Simple
Ghost is another flea bitten grey, although unlike Maverick he has many flea bites. He’s got a fabulous disposition and is currently operating as the horse most suitable for nervous beginners who are riding without being ponied along. While this title changes with shifts in weather, horse usage, etc., he’s a great fellow for folks who aren’t too sure about this whole horseback riding thing.
Ghost is about 15’2 hands high. He’s more lean than some of the other horses, but built well. He can go on several rides a day and often does. He calms other horses down, which is great for his best friend, Skeeter.
We use Ghost for private lessons for children and beginners who are nervous. He takes great care of his riders, and is a calming spirit. We are pretty sure that he is a unicorn in training.
Weight limit 180-210 lbs.
Grey Gelding, Kid Broke, For Sale: $4200
Skeeter: Sorrel Quarter Horse Pony with Star and Snippet, Two Front White Socks, One Hind Stocking
Barrel Prospect, fun and FAST
Skeeter is a favorite amongst the guides, because he is FAST and fun. We love to use him to zip up and down the line to check on riders. He’s a very willing little horse who would make a great barrel prospect. Skeeter is great for taking along nervous beginners on lead line. We are happy to pony you on Skeeter if you aren’t ready to take the reins yourself.
Skeeter is about 14 hands, sorrel with a prominent star and snippet. He’s normally hanging with Ghost, although he also likes Maverick. Or maybe he just likes grey horses!
This little Quarter horse is ridden by children age 12 and up if they are riding solo. Weight Limit 180-210lbs.
Small Quarter Horse, Very Fast, Barrel Prospect For Sale: $3800
Available for competitive lease rate to someone experienced in barrel racing.
Gigante: 17’1 Hand Bay Thoroughbred, Two White Marks on Each Side***
Tall, Dark and Handsome*** Just a note, it was pure serrendipty that Gigante managed to get two bites on either side of him. He now has two white marks. These marks are NOT because of an ill-fitting saddle. A curious oddity. Noted!
Gigante is a gentle giant. He’s got lots of go to him though, so make sure you keep your heels down. Gigante is a great mount for beginners who follow instructions. Big Bay gelding standing about 17’1 hands high. No markings. Can be confused with Cat, but he has a leaner build. Weight limit 180-210lbs.
Large Thoroughbred Gelding For Sale: $2500
Cat: Bay Arabian/Hackney Horse Cross, no Markings
Should be renamed “Jock”
Cat is suitable for intermediate riders and up. He’s a registered Arabian Hackney horse cross who is big, beautiful and very powerful. He’s Dressage bred, although he’s got all the potential in the world to jump. He’s got thick bones and great feet. About 16 hands. Bay gelding, no markings. Weight limit: 245lbs.
Registered Gelding For Sale: $1800
Available for free lease to experienced rider who would like to contribute to our Blog Roll or hands-on activities around the ranch.
Gallego: Black POA, Doesn’t Fade
Hunter Pony Prospect: SOLD
Gallego, at current, has been under saddle eight times. He’s starting to neck rein, and already understands the concept of a side pass. He’s incredibly smart and very willing to please. Gallego has been ridden bareback, as a lead horse, through various types of water crossings and on the road. Great disposition. Black pony, no markings. Excellent conformation. Excellent Feet. Amazing Hunter prospect who has shown his propensity to jump. Finish him how you want! Price will increase with training.
Hunter Pony Prospect For Sale: $3500
Smurf: Paint Gelding, Four Stockings
Quiet, Introspective Paint Gelding for Sale
Smurf is a grade chestnut and white paint gelding with specs of white paint and four white stockings. He’s a watchful horse and we suspect he’s had some manhandling in the past. He would make a great family horse with consistent work, but he’s on the bottom of our work list and is used sporadically as needed as a guide horse or high intermediate rider horse. Once in regular rotation, his price will increase. Weight limit 180lbs.
Paint Gelding For Sale: $1800
Through Spring 2017, available for $25 rental fee for full 2 hour trails, to experienced riders only.
Chester: Sorrel Gelding with Asymmetrical Blaze, One Hind White Stocking, Two White Socks
Lots of fun with an easy-to-control gait
Chester is about ten years old, 15’2 hands tall, sorrel with an asymmetrical white blaze. He can be confused with Rocky, as he also has a prominent white stocking and white sock. He’s taller than Rocky, with a leaner build.
Chester has an amazing gait with strides that you can lengthen and shorten with ease. He’s well collected at the canter, and is a lot of fun for our faster rides. He is suitable for confident low intermediate or novice riders under the guide of an experienced instructor and trainer only. Well suited for high intermediate riders.
Weight limit ranges from 160-185lbs.
Not For Sale
For the following horses, pease visit our Horses for Sale Page and come back for more information!




