Manege Ten Hagen,

Wasenaar, The Netherlands – 1999 – Riding at the “Manage”

Kavita comes to Austin once a year to ride at different facilities in the area. Kavita is from Richmond London, and she sees this Texas vacation as an opportunity to get out of the city, get into the country, and get her horsey fix on. Below is an excerpt from Kavita’s experiences learning how to ride in Europe, which is where her first experiences riding started.

“Riding every Sunday morning – cycling at 6am through Clingendaal woods (and, The Japanese Gardens, the woodlands) to the stables. This was the start of a very good morning, fresh but cold cycle to the stables. Going through the woods and the Japanese gardens to the run of not one, many stable owners behind. Bas place was a small place but lots of riding stables for outdoors, arena, leisurely, private lessons. He was more about small groups, the riders, and and not a business making income. Cute stables, old style, not many rules (which did surprise me).

“I’d get the pleasure of grooming the horse, hanging out with the other riders, then riding in the indoor arena (which could also be adapted to riding trails in the dunes, towards the beach areas). I wasn’t that confident and preferred indoor lessons. Bas (the owner) wanted me to try out “Josephine”. A beautiful black horse with a temperamental manner. So I was a little anxious. We got on just fine, I finally (through guidance) learnt to handle Josephine. The one time I was asked to wear a helmet when on this horse. This was my treat, a place of solitude and heaven in one. I absolutely loved! And miss.” – Kavita

If you’re interested in writing and riding with us, please reach out! We love to get people reading, writing, riding and reflecting. Stay tuned to check out Kavita’s blog post series as she learns the ropes at Maverick Horseback Riding, THE thing to do when you visit Texas. Kavita visits Austin and surrounding areas almost exclusively to get out to local ranches. We understand the therapeutic qualities getting your hands dirty, getting yourself in the saddle, and getting some fresh air can do. Happy trails, y’all!