Beginner Horses for Sale

Horses that are marked beginner friendly are tried and true with beginners. That does not mean that a beginner who takes our horse home without a trainer’s assistance will continue to enjoy a beginner-friendly horse. We do sell to beginners who have a trainer working with them.

All horses will test you.  Even if you purchase a beginner-friendly horse you need to take lessons so you understand how to handle common horse behaviors of testing their handler.  If you don’t handle these common behaviors correctly, you should expect bigger behavioral problems to follow.  We sell to approved homes only.  You must have a veterinarian and fenced property with at least one other equine on property at all times.

We only sell to homes that can give our horses an even better life than we can.  If you have bought one of our horses and you EVER need us, please call.  We care about our horses and their homes.  It’s 3am four years after you’ve bought a horse from us and you can’t tell if your horse is colicing?  Call us.  Period. We love our horses even after they’re gone.

WTC (Walk, trot, canter) approved for beginners means that we use this horse to canter with beginners who follow instructions.  Child-friendly means this horse has been used hundreds or thousands of times for children under our guidance.  All horses will test you.  We do not sell to beginners who do not have their horses in a training program or a trainer’s guide.

Just because they’re trail horses doesn’t mean they are dead heads.  Take a look at our reviews.  We are not known for ho-hum trail rides.  Our horses are used in a responsive riding program in which trails and obstacles are changed regularly to keep horses responsive.  It means our horses will desensitize or sensitize to a rider over the course of their session.  Our horses are responsive to leg pressure and are geared to make suitable mounts for beginner and intermediate riders who want to finish off a discipline.  They aren’t going to win you a 1D race or jump 5 feet but they will happily hold their own in a competition of your choice AND remain suitable for your friends and family to enjoy.

Cremello and beginner rider getting ready to go out to the trails after practicing some steering in the barnyard first
Apache, appaloosa gelding standing pretty in a field of Blue Bonnets at our Lockhart ranch

Rush, grade miniature gelding is broke to ride, will lead line and pull a cart

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