Fitness–and health–are about lifestyle. Hit the gym for five hours once a week and you’re not going to see much of an impact. Make everyday an active one, and you will surely not the difference.

Austin is a fitness friendly community, with tons of activities to do. With so much fun in the area, why li it yourself to working out at the gym? One of the best ways to get active and stay active is to get horsey.
Maverick’s is an Austin staple for visitors and locals hoping to score some saddle time, but what about fitness junkies looking for a new type of workout? Riding horses is excellent for the core, and builds good habits like awareness of breath and posture.

Use promo code KEEPTEXASFIT to receive 15% off your Lockhart Ranch Trail Ride this weekend. Molly and Susie are heading up the excursions, and they will make sure you have a blast. Want to get some extra blood pumping? Ask if you can learn to groom, saddle and pick hooves. Talk about building some guns!
We love the horse lifestyle, and part of that is working hard. We don’t worry about what we eat (let’s shoot for healthy options in there, of course), how many calories are in that burger, or if we’ve eaten a to on a certain day. By the time you’re finished with a day at the ranch, you should expect that you”ll be hungry and have burned sufficient calories to chow down on what you like.
Horseback riding (and horse maintenance) is a high-activity level experience that’s perfect for individuals who want to expand their fitness horizons, find something refreshing to do in Austin, or families hoping to draw their kids away from the screens. Get some fresh air in the country and explore how being part of nature can revive you to the core!

Go ahead get that BBQ after the ride. You deserve it!